Great honour and appreciation goes to the directors of the Otino Onywalo Ilum project, for the encouragement throughout the program. The program was designed to be long so that we could learn to understand ourselves and accept who we are. The project has given me confidence, courage, creativity, social skills, public speaking skills, general body fitness and exposure. The performances which took place in different areas have also contributed greatly towards correcting mistakes and shaping us to become good performers. For instance, performances in Otuke and Lira were not all that good, but we were able to double our efforts for Gulu which was very productive. We had positive responses from the audience.

Some of the activities were not easy. I experienced a lot of fatigue and I believed our teachers did too, although I know that nothing is provided on a silver platter.
It was also costly, especially in terms of transport, food, accommodation and other things, which were barriers to the effective flow of the project. Therefore, I call upon well-wishers for support to enable this project to continue and reach many people in similar situations in our communities.
