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Ochen Patrick

From Gulu (Acholi sub-region), Northern Uganda

Life is a weird thing. It’s so manifold, so colourful, occasionally so dark and painful, that practically anything you say about it is true in some way or the other. Staying focused on the things we do so that the future is fruitful for generations to come and so we have testimonies about our lives. (“It is very natural for people to trace you to the version they used to know”).


Though we move through the valley of the shadow of the death, God is the most important person in our life to lay our trust upon, life is full of pain, sorrow but only the strong people will survive and that is what I have to face by being strong. (“Every time you mistreat someone, you reveal the part of you that lacks love and needs to heal”).


More importantly, I learnt never to regret my background and the kind of life I am living, everyone has got his or her destiny to follow. Being a child born of war is not something I asked God for but I found myself part of that life, carrying burdens means you are saving the world so that forgotten stories can be heard. (“Behind the exploit of champions are revelation of what conquered fear”).


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